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Jason Hackney
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Hi Hena,
> I am using the package ReportingTools and would like to know if is
it possible to publish t statistics in the report for differential
expression analysis using limma?
This depends quite a bit on what version of ReportingTools you are
using. For the current release version, there are a couple of ways to
do this. The most straightforward way is to write a custom function
and override the toReportDF method for MArrayLM objects. There is a
helper function in the package,
ReportingTools:::.marrayLM.to.data.frame that might serve as a
template for getting the t-statistic.
Here's kind of a rough sketch that I would use, drawn heavily from
that helper function, but missing some error checking:
my.df.fn <- function (object, eSet = NULL, n = 1000, pvalueCutoff =
lfc = 0, adjust.method = "BH", coef = NULL, make.plots = FALSE,
factor = NULL, ...)
dat <- topTable(object, number = n, p.value = pvalueCutoff,
lfc = lfc, coef = coef, adjust.method = adjust.method)
selection <- rownames(dat)
padj <- apply(object$p.value, 2, p.adjust, method = adjust.method)
padj <- padj[selection, coef]
object <- object[selection, coef]
if (!missing(eSet) & !is.null(eSet)) {
eSet <- eSet[selection, ]
fdata <- ReportingTools:::annotate.genes(featureNames(eSet),
keytype = "PROBEID", cols = list(ProbeId = "PROBEID",
EntrezId = "ENTREZID", Symbol = "SYMBOL", GeneName =
ret <- data.frame(fdata, Image = rep(NA, nrow(fdata)),
object$t, padj, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
t.cols <- (ncol(fdata) + 2):(ncol(fdata) + 1 + ncol(object$t))
colnames(ret)[t.cols] <- paste(colnames(object), "t-Statistic")
pv.cols <- (ncol(fdata) + ncol(object$coef) + 2):ncol(ret)
colnames(ret)[pv.cols] <- paste(colnames(object),
"Adjusted p-Value")
Once you have your function for coercing an MArrayLM object to a
data.frame, then you can pass it to the publish call in the .toDF
publish(my.fit, my.report, my.eset, n = 100, coef = 2, factor =
.toDF = my.df.fn)
The rest should work as expected. Let me know if that helps, or if you
have any further problems.
> Thanks!
> Hena Ramay, PhD
> Bioinformatician
> Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
> Lausanne, Switzerland
Jason A. Hackney, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
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