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Dear Bioc users,
This list has regularly announcements of new packages and discussion
on fRMA
and related approaches, so I thought this might be of interest.
How to preprocess 20,000 CEL files on an ordinary desktop computer in
a few
We recently published a new, fully scalable preprocessing method
for(Affymetrix and other) short oligonucleotide microarray atlases
(NAR 2013) <http: nar.oxfordjournals.org="" content="" 41="" 10="" e110="">. The
scales up to arbitrarily large collections of tens of thousands (or
more) CEL
files. The scalability is based on sequential, probabilistic
updates, thus circumventing the extensive memory requirements of
approaches. The method outperforms the standard RMA in various tests,
it is readily applicable also for the large majority of platforms
pre-calculated fRMA<http: biostatistics.oxfordjournals.org="" content="" 11="" 2="" 242.abstract="">parameter
sets are not available,
with a comparable performance.
Online-RPA is freely available as a R/Bioconductor
package<http: bioconductor.org="" packages="" release="" bioc="" html="" rpa.html="">.
The wiki site <https: github.com="" antagomir="" rpa="" wiki=""> provides
instructions and usage examples. For feedback, issues, bug tracking,
pull requests, see the Github development
version<https: github.com="" antagomir="" rpa="">
. You can also have a look at the brief blog
post<http: antagomir.wordpress.com="" 2013="" 10="" 20="" rpa-fully-scalable-="" preprocessing-method-for-short-oligonucleotide-microarray-atlases=""/>
. All feedback concerning the package is mostly welcome.
best regards,
Leo Lahti,
University of Helsinki,
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