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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Heidi good morning !
We made some more work on HTqPCR (actually, mainly Elena..) and we
an update
and a question for you:
=> update: seemingly with the latest HTqPCR it is not possible to
datasets in a simple format, gene name, Ct, group for example, with
Did you receive any observation from other groups on this ?
=> data normalization: now normalizeCtData with norm="geometric.mean"
supports the possibility of choosing the sample (the reference) which
otherwise is by default the first sample, as it is confirmed by
> g.norm <- normalizeCtDataraw.cat, norm = "geometric.mean")
Scaling Ct values
Using geometric mean within each sample
Scaling factors: *1.00* 1.06 1.05 1.02 1.04 1.02
Now, this was our initial doubt and still persists: why a
method which should operate an average Ct value for each sample, and
scales all Ct values according to the ratio of these mean Ct values
across samples, should take as a reference one of the samples (the
in the data matrix by default) and leave its values untouched ?
==> *As far as scaling ranking is concerned, we noticed that even if
specified the reference as pseudo mean or median, apparently nothing
changed in term of scaling factor and reference column (always the
sample by default). Is it correct? Where the normalization is
by the reference?
In general, which is the logic of selecting one sample as a
in the normalization step with these methods ?
Many thanks in advance for any highlight on this, kind regards
Alessandro & Elena
Alessandro Guffanti
Alessandro Guffanti
Head, Bioinformatics
*Genomnia srl*
Via Nerviano, 31/B â 20020 Lainate (MI)
Tel. +39-0293305.702 / Fax +39-0293305.777
www.genomnia.com <http: www.genomnia.com="">
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