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Djork Clevert
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Fraser,
the bump at 0.5 stems from probe sets with only one probe.
For those is modeling not required ;-)
I would recommend not to use them, as they their expression
values are probably not reliable.
This way you get rip off them:
SNR <- apply(eset at assayData$se.exprs,1,min)
tmp <- which(SNR==0.5)
eset2 <- eset[-tmp]
inis <- INIcalls(eset)
Djork-Arn? Clevert, PhD
Phone: +49 30 6883 5306
Fax: +49 30 6883 5307
Email: okko at clevert.de
Am 15.11.2013 um 16:15 schrieb Fraser Sim <fjsim at="" buffalo.edu="">:
> Hi Okko,
> Here?s the plot(INIs) using the latest code you sent and including
the ?normalize = TRUE? in the call to farms.
> I now have 4919 features labeled as informative.
> Do you think this is ok? There appears to be strange albeit small
bump at 0.5, which I?ve never seen in this type of plot before with
Affy&Farms on U133 or similar 3?arrays.
> Cheers,
> Fraser
> <image001.png>
> Fraser Sim, PhD
> Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> University at Buffalo
> 3435 Main Street
> 119 Farber Hall
> Buffalo, NY 14214
> T: (716) 829-2151
> fjsim at buffalo.edu
> Confidentiality Notice: This message, including any attachments, is
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intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
destroy all copies of the original message.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Djork-Arn? Clevert [mailto:okko at clevert.de]
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 9:46 AM
> To: Fraser Sim
> Cc: bioconductor at r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [BioC] Farms/Call.INI using oligo package?
> Hi Fraser,
> I just realized that my previous email was everything else than
?self-explanatory? and on top of that - the workaround contained a
> Cheers,
> Okko
> Please find below the revised code including an example at the end:
> library(oligo)
> library(farms)
> farms <- function(object, background=FALSE, normalize=TRUE,
subset=NULL, target="core", weight=.5,
> mu=0, weighted.mean=FALSE, laplacian=FALSE,
> correction=0, centering=c("median","mean"),
spuriousCorrelation=0, verbose=TRUE )
> {
> target <- match.arg(target, c("core", "probeset"))
> featureInfo <- oligo:::stArrayPmInfo(object, target=target)
> theClass <- class(exprs(object))
> pmi <- featureInfo[["fid"]]
> pnVec <- as.character(featureInfo[["fsetid"]])
> if ("matrix" %in% theClass){
> pms <- exprs(object)[pmi,, drop=FALSE]
> dimnames(pms) <- NULL
> colnames(pms) <- sampleNames(object)
> theExprs <- basicFARMS(pms, pnVec, normalize, background,
weight=weight, mu=mu, weighted.mean=weighted.mean,
> laplacian=laplacian, robust=robust,
correction=correction, centering=centering,
> rm(pms)
> }
> else{
> stop("farms is currently not implemented for '", theClass, "'
> }
> colnames(theExprs$exprs) <- colnames(theExprs$se.exprs) <-
> rownames(theExprs$exprs) <- rownames(theExprs$se.exprs) <-
> out <- new("ExpressionSet",
> phenoData=phenoData(object),
> experimentData=experimentData(object),
> exprs=theExprs$exprs,
> se.exprs=theExprs$se.exprs,
> annotation=annotation(object),
> protocolData=protocolData(object))
> if (validObject(out)){
> return(out)
> }else{
> stop("Resulting object is invalid.")
> }
> }
> basicFARMS <- function(pmMat, pnVec, normalize, background, weight,
mu, weighted.mean,
> laplacian, robust, correction, centering,
> pns <- unique(pnVec)
> nPn <- length(unique(pnVec))
> pnVec <- split(1:(length(pnVec)), pnVec)
> narray <- ncol(pmMat)
> if(background){
> pmMat <- oligo:::backgroundCorrect(pmMat)
> }
> if(normalize){
> pmMat <- oligo:::normalize(pmMat)
> }
> ini.mat <- matrix(0.5, nPn, narray )
> exprs.mat <- matrix(0, nPn, narray )
> message("Summarizing... ", appendLF=FALSE)
> for(i in 1:length(pnVec)){
> if(length(pnVec[[i]])<2){
> exprs.mat[i,] <- log2(pmMat[pnVec[[i]],])
> }
> else{
> res <- generateExprVal.method.farms(probes=pmMat[pnVec[[i]],],
weight=weight, mu=mu, cyc=30, tol=0.00001,
weighted.mean=weighted.mean, robust=robust, minNoise=minNoise,
> laplacian=laplacian,
centering=centering, spuriousCorrelation=spuriousCorrelation)
> exprs.mat[i,] <- res$exprs
> ini.mat[i,] <- res$se.exprs
> }
> }
> message("OK")
> return(list(exprs=exprs.mat, se.exprs=ini.mat)) }
> ### example to run
> # library(oligo)
> # library(farms)
> # celFiles <- list.celfiles("/path/to/celfiles/", full.name=TRUE) #
raw <- read.celfiles(celFiles) # eset <- farms(raw, normalize=TRUE)
> --
> Djork-Arn? Clevert, PhD
> Phone: +49 30 6883 5306
> Fax: +49 30 6883 5307
> Email: okko at clevert.de
> Am 13.11.2013 um 14:32 schrieb Fraser Sim <fjsim at="" buffalo.edu="">:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > I am analyzing Affymetrix hugene2.0st arrays using the oligo
package and had
> > hoped to be able to use informative/non-informative probe calling
> > Tolloen et 2007) as a means on filtering data. I had used this on
older 3'
> > biased arrays analyzed with affy but the farms package only works
with an
> > affyBatch object. Is this possible with another package or should
I be
> > considering a different approach to filter array data on the newer
> > arrays?
> >
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Fraser
> >
> >
> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
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