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I try to use VariantTools package package and I am working on the
vignette examples. I have some questions on the variant calling
procedure. The vignette says: ?The callVariants function uses a
binomial likelihood ratio test for this purpose. The ratio is P(D|p =
plower)=P(D|p = perror).?
To understand this statement, I located the two internal functions
that carry out this step.
> VariantTools:::lrtFreqCutoff
function (p0, p1, n = if (C == 1L) 1L else n, C = 1L)
num <- (1/n) * log(C) + log(1 - p0) - log(1 - p1)
denom <- log(p1) - log(p0) + log(1 - p0) - log(1 - p1)
> VariantTools:::BinomialLRFilter
function (p.lower = 0.2, p.error = 1/1000)
function(x) {
freq.cutoff <- lrtFreqCutoff(p.error, p.lower)
sample.freq <- altDepth(x)/totalDepth(x)
passed <- sample.freq >= freq.cutoff
passed[is.na(passed)] <- FALSE
However, I get even more confused. Here are my questions:
The binomial likelihood ratio should be
p1^k*(1-p1)^(n-k)/(p0^k*(1-p0)^(n-k)), here n and k are total trial
and number of hits. I don?t understand why it becomes num/denom in the
lrtFreqCutoff function?
What?s n and C in lrtFreqCutoff? These arguments are not used when
BinomialLRFilter calls lrtFreqCutoff, why?
In BinomialLRFilter, the criterion used is sample.freq >= freq.cutoff.
But sample.freq <- altDepth(x)/totalDepth(x) is a frequency as
defined, yet freq.cutoff seems to be the binomial likelihood ratio.
How a frequency can be compared to likelihood ratio?
In BinomialLRFilter, p0=perror = 0.001 and p1=plower = 0.2, the
default p0 and p1 values are assumed, why not used the actual
sequencing error rate and lowest variant frequency?
Hope someone can explain these problems to me. Thank you!