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Vining, Kelly
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Hi Lukas,
I have in my code:
> library(BSgenome.Ptrichocarpa.Phytozome.v3)
> BSgenome = "BSgenome.Ptrichocarpa.Phytozome.v3"
> budFall2_MEDIP = MEDIPS.createSet(file="accepted_hits_F2.bam",
BSgenome=BSgenome, extend=300, uniq=TRUE, shift=0, window_size=1000)
Yes, I am seeing the same error for the first two .bam files I
submitted, so figured I'd better stop until I figured out what was
going on.
From: Lukas Chavez [mailto:lukas.chavez@googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 1:42 PM
To: Vining, Kelly
Cc: Lukas Chavez; bioconductor@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [BioC] separate MEDIPS.createSet required for each
replicate? RE: using custom BSgenome with MEDIPS
Hi Kelly,
No, youshould not ignore the error message. I did not fully
understand, if this happens for all of your bam files or only for one
of your bam files? What do you have on your BSgenome variable, I
cannot see this in your code?
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Vining, Kelly
A follow-up question about an error message with MEDIPS.createSet
command: when I load my reference genome, the create a MEDIPS set with
one of my .bam files, I get the following error message:
> library(BSgenome.Ptrichocarpa.Phytozome.v3)
> budFall2_MEDIP = MEDIPS.createSet(file="accepted_hits_F2.bam",
BSgenome=BSgenome, extend=300, uniq=TRUE, shift=0, window_size=1000)
Reading bam alignment accepted_hits_F2.bam
Total number of imported short reads: 46734466
Extending reads...
Creating GRange Object...
Extract unique regions...
Number of unique short reads: 36603869
Error in as.environment(pos) :
no item called "paste("package:", BSgenome, sep = "")" on the search
In addition: Warning message:
In ls(paste("package:", BSgenome, sep = "")) :
âpaste("package:", BSgenome, sep = "")â converted to character
I don't know how to interpret this. Is this error generated from
GenomicRanges? Does it indicate that I've done something incorrectly,
or is it safe to ignore it?
Thanks again,
--Kelly V.
From: bioconductor-bounces@r-project.org<mailto:bioconductor- bounces@r-project.org=""> [bioconductor-bounces@r-project.org<mailto :bioconductor-bounces@r-project.org="">] on behalf of Vining, Kelly
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 12:34 PM
To: 'Lukas Chavez'
Cc: bioconductor@r-project.org<mailto:bioconductor@r-project.org>
Subject: [BioC] separate MEDIPS.createSet required for each replicate?
RE: using custom BSgenome with MEDIPS
Hi Lukas,
I have a question about the MEDIPS.createSet function with biological
replicates. In the vignette, a MEDIPS.createSet command is issued for
the first replicate of a set, and then other replicates are appended
to make a list of MEDIPS SETs. Does that mean that one "set" equals
one data set from one individual, so that I have to have a separate
MEDIPS.createSet call for each biological replicate? This seems
inefficient, because the BSgenome, uniq, extend etc. parameters must
be repeated for each rep even though all of those parameters are the
same across all replicates.
Can I simply do something like this?
Rep1_MeDIP = system.file("extdata", rep1.bam)
Rep2_MeDIP = system.file("extdata", rep2.bam)
Rep3_MeDIP = system.file("extdata", rep3.bam)
AllReps = MEDIPS.createSet(c(Rep1_MEDIP, Rep2_MEDIP, Rep3_MEDIP,
--Kelly V.
From: Lukas Chavez [mailto:lukas.chavez.mailings@googlemail.com<mailto :lukas.chavez.mailings@googlemail.com="">]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 12:42 PM
To: Vining, Kelly
Cc: bioconductor@r-project.org<mailto:bioconductor@r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [BioC] using custom BSgenome with MEDIPS
Hi Kelly,
let us assume that the package name of your successfully created
custom BSgenome for e.g. 'oryza sativa' is 'BSgenome.OryzaSativa' and
that it is installed in your R environment using R CMD INSTALL
First load your custom BSgenome object into your R session using
Note, BSgenome.OryzaSativa will not appear in the list returned by
available.genomes(). However, in case the library is loaded you should
be able to immediately use it as usual in MEDIPS like
BSgenome= "BSgenome.OryzaSativa"
MSet = MEDIPS.createSet(file="oryza.bam", BSgenome=BSgenome)
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 6:57 AM, Vining, Kelly <kelly.vining@oregonsta te.edu<mailto:kelly.vining@oregonstate.edu=""><mailto:kelly.vining@oregon state.edu<mailto:kelly.vining@oregonstate.edu="">>> wrote:
From: Vining, Kelly
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 10:58 AM
To: 'Lukas Chavez'
Cc: bioconductor@r-project.org<mailto:bioconductor@r-project.org><mail to:bioconductor@r-project.org<mailto:bioconductor@r-project.org="">>
Subject: RE: [BioC] Question about MEDIPS extend parameter
Hello BioC group,
have created a BSgenome object for my genome of interest, and it is in
my current working directory. I now want to use it with MEDIPS. How do
I make it appear under
>available.genomes()? Is it necessary for my custom genome to appear
in this list for me to be able to use it with MEDIPS? Or is there a
different method for accessing this object?
Thanks much,
--Kelly V.
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