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Hi Jordan,
Sounds like a confounding issue. Are your covariates + batch linearly
independent? In other words are there covariate levels or combinations
that are nested within batch?
On Jan 16, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Jordan Ramsey wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been working with the ComBat function in the SVA package and
I've found that there seems to be a problem when trying to include
numerical covariates in the model. I consistently get the error:
> Error in t(design) %*% design :
> requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
> For example, if I run:
> model = model.matrix(~as.factor(Sex) + as.numeric(Age))
> ComBat_dat = ComBat(gene_express, batch = BatchNums, mod = model,
numCovs = 3, prior.plots = TRUE)
> This produces:
> Found 26 batches
> Found 1 categorical covariate(s)
> Found 1 continuous covariate(s)
> Standardizing Data across genes
> Error in t(design) %*% design :
> requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
> However, when I use a model that only includes factors, I don't get
any errors. Any ideas on what is going wrong here? Any help would be
> Thanks,
> --
> Jordan Ramsey