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Someone asked a similar question on using pathview or gage with honey
bee. Here is the solution:
Like honey bee, B. subtilis (bsu) is not a major species with
Bioconductor gene annotation package as those listed in data(bods)
under pathview package. similarly you need to map Locus_tags to Entrez
gene ID manually. Again, you can download the gene_info data file (for
all bacteria) from NCBI ftp site:
Column 2-6 should be (Entrez) GeneID, Symbol, LocusTag, Synonyms,
dbXrefs. Then follow the route described in the honey bee case.
On Wed, 1/29/14, David wrote:
Subject: Pathview with minor species
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 11:09 AM
Dear Mr Luo,
In our course we got B. subtilis (bsu) microarray data
and I want to visualize some expression changes with
Pathview. But I have a problem. We got Locus_tags like
BSU00010 and no gene IDs and I don't know whether Pathview
can use it or not. I really don't understand the part about
it in the vignette. So I thought of converting them to
UniProt IDs. But first I wanted to do a test run. So I
searched for the UniProt IDs of 3 genes of the glycolysis
from B. subtilis and put them into a data.frame with
fictional data (dummy).
pv.out <- pathview(gene.data = dummy[, "ratio"],
pathway.id = "00010",species = "bsu", out.suffix = "dummy",
kegg.native=T, gene.idtype="UNIPROT")
When I tried it this way, an error occured: No proper gene
[[elided Yahoo spam]]
Afterwards I tested it with 3 genes from human and hsa as
species and than it worked fine. Nothing I tried to solve
the problem, worked. I have the latest version of
Bioconductor and Pathview installed. Does Pathview not work
with Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis 168 (=bsu) even
though it's a KEGG organism? Or what am I doing wrong?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,