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Adriaan Sticker
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi all,
I made some BCV plots of my data after the tagewise estimation step. I
notice sometimes that I gave genes with identical very low BCV values
appears as a horizontal line below the rest of my data but it is
above zero. I put an example in attachement. They disapear when I
the cutoff of my filter (cpm(counts)>1 to cpm(counts)>2) but then I
lose a fraction of my genes.
I wonder how I should interpret these values? What are they exactly.
guess would be that they are very low counts and due the discretness
count data, their bcv is zero?
If I dont up my filter cutoff and thus leave them in the data, how
are they? Can they influence much the estimation of BCV of the other
(I use prior.df = 20) I can see the trended dispersion line moving a
when I up my filter for the lower counts.
In attachement the BCV plot with the artifacts (cpm(counts)>1) and a
plot without them (cpm(counts)>2)
Best regards
Adriaan Sticker
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