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Hi Ryan and all the list,
here I am again. I have another question regarding my factorial
design. As
Ryan suggested me I estimated the Model 2, i.e. I defined each
combination as a group. This allow me to make a big number of
by defining a contrast for every comparison I can be interested in.
example, I can find differentially expressed genes between GENOTYPE F
LOAD High at TIME H and GENOTYPE F with LOAD High at TIME PH; or I can
compare GENOTYPE F with LOAD Medium at TIME H and GENOTYPE F with LOAD
Medium at TIME PH, and so on.
I found a total of 45 contrasts, so I built the Contrasts Matrix:
F.High.HvsPH = F.High.H - F.High.PH,
F.Medium.HvsPH = F.Medium.H - F.Medium.PH,
F.Low.HvsPH = F.Low.H - F.Low.PH,
F.HighvsMedium.H = F.High.H - F.Medium.H,
F.HighvsMedium.PH = F.High.PH - F.Medium.PH,
F.HighvsLow.H = F.High.H - F.Low.H,
F.HighvsLow.PH = F.High.PH - F.Low.PH,
F.MediumvsLow.H = F.Medium.H - F.Low.H,
F.MediumvsLow.PH = F.Medium.PH - F.Low.PH,
G.High.HvsPH = G.High.H - G.High.PH,
G.Medium.HvsPH = G.Medium.H - G.Medium.PH,
G.Low.HvsPH = G.Low.H - G.Low.PH,
G.HighvsMedium.H = G.High.H - G.Medium.H,
G.HighvsMedium.PH = G.High.PH - G.Medium.PH,
G.HighvsLow.H = G.High.H - G.Low.H,
G.HighvsLow.PH = G.High.PH - G.Low.PH,
G.MediumvsLow.H = G.Medium.H - G.Low.H,
G.MediumvsLow.PH = G.Medium.PH - G.Low.PH,
P.High.HvsPH = P.High.H - P.High.PH,
P.Medium.HvsPH = P.Medium.H - P.Medium.PH,
P.Low.HvsPH = P.Low.H - P.Low.PH,
P.HighvsMedium.H = P.High.H - P.Medium.H,
P.HighvsMedium.PH = P.High.PH - P.Medium.PH,
P.HighvsLow.H = P.High.H - P.Low.H,
P.HighvsLow.PH = P.High.PH - P.Low.PH,
P.MediumvsLow.H = P.Medium.H - P.Low.H,
P.MediumvsLow.PH = P.Medium.PH - P.Low.PH,
FvsG.High.H = F.High.H - G.High.H,
FvsG.High.PH = F.High.PH - G.High.PH,
FvsG.Medium.H = F.Medium.H - G.Medium.H,
FvsG.Medium.PH = F.Medium.PH - G.Medium.PH,
FvsG.Low.H = F.Low.H - G.Low.H,
FvsG.Low.PH = F.Low.PH - G.Low.PH,
FvsP.High.H = F.High.H - P.High.H,
FvsP.High.PH = F.High.PH - P.High.PH,
FvsP.Medium.H = F.Medium.H - P.Medium.H,
FvsP.Medium.PH = F.Medium.PH - P.Medium.PH,
FvsP.Low.H = F.Low.H - P.Low.H,
FvsP.Low.PH = F.Low.PH - P.Low.PH,
GvsP.High.H = G.High.H - P.High.H,
GvsP.High.PH = G.High.PH - P.High.PH,
GvsP.Medium.H = G.Medium.H - P.Medium.H,
GvsP.Medium.PH = G.Medium.PH - P.Medium.PH,
GvsP.Low.H = G.Low.H - P.Low.H,
GvsP.Low.PH = G.Low.PH - P.Low.PH,
My problem is that the contrasts I made allow me to compare only one
considering the others fixed, i.e. I can compare two levels of one
fixing the other two factors at the same level. So I thik in this way
can't test for interactions. I would like to be able to find also for
genes the interaction between two factors is significative. For
example, I
would like to find which genes change significantly their expression,
GENOTYPE G, in a different way from High and Medium CHARGE between
and PH, i.e for which genes of GENOTYPE F the interaction between
and TIME is significative. Can I do so by defining a contrast like
(F.High.H - F.High.PH) - (F.Medium.H - F.Medium.PH)
And what if I am interested in obtaining a list of DEG for a
comparison of
two levels of a factor indipendently from the levels of the other two
factors? Can I define a contrast like this?
FvsG = F.High.H + F.High.PH + F.Medium.H + F.Medium.PH + F.Low.H +
- G.High.H - G.High.PH - G.Medium.H - G.Medium.PH - G.Low.H -
and then do a LRT to find the differentially expressed genes?
Or does it make more sense to obtain a list of DEG for every contrast
made before and then obtaining the FvsG list of DEG doing the union of
the lists of differentially expressed genes like this:
# Let DE.FvsG.High.H, DE.FvsG.High.PH, DE.FvsG.Medium.H,
# DE.FvsG.Low.H, DE.FvsG.Low.PH be the lists of differentially
# for the related contrasts of the Contrast Matrix.
DE.FvsG<-unique(c(DE.FvsG.High.H, DE.FvsG.High.PH, DE.FvsG.Medium.H,
DE.FvsG.Medium.PH, DE.FvsG.Low.H, DE.FvsG.Low.PH))
I'm so sorry for my gaps in models with interactions and more than two
factors of interst but it's my first time with a so complex design so
trying to understand.
Thanks in advance for any replies!
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=Italian_Italy.1252 LC_CTYPE=Italian_Italy.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=Italian_Italy.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=Italian_Italy.1252
attached base packages:
[1] splines parallel stats graphics grDevices utils
[8] methods base
other attached packages:
[1] EDASeq_1.8.0 ShortRead_1.20.0 Rsamtools_1.14.2
[4] lattice_0.20-24 Biostrings_2.30.1 GenomicRanges_1.14.4
[7] XVector_0.2.0 IRanges_1.20.6 Biobase_2.22.0
[10] BiocGenerics_0.8.0 edgeR_3.4.2 limma_3.18.10
[13] aroma.light_1.32.0 matrixStats_0.8.14 yeastRNASeq_0.0.10
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] annotate_1.40.0 AnnotationDbi_1.24.0 bitops_1.0-6
[4] DBI_0.2-7 DESeq_1.14.0 genefilter_1.44.0
[7] geneplotter_1.40.0 grid_3.0.2 hwriter_1.3
[10] latticeExtra_0.6-26 R.methodsS3_1.6.1 R.oo_1.17.0
[13] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 RSQLite_0.11.4 stats4_3.0.2
[16] survival_2.37-7 XML_3.98-1.1 xtable_1.7-1
[19] zlibbioc_1.8.0
2014-01-30 Marco Pegoraro <marco.pegoraro88@gmail.com>:
> Dear Ryan,
> thank you very much for your reply. I agree with you about the
> interpretation of the parametrization of Model 2.
> About the differences between Models 1 and 2, you are right, the
> dispersion parameters estimates are nearly identical but the
p-values are
> very different between the tests. Probably, as you told me, the
reason is I
> make some mistakes in the definition of the contrast.
> Thank you again. Have a good day,
> Marco
> 2014-01-29 Ryan <rct@thompsonclan.org>
> Hi Marco,
>> Note that your models 2 & 3 are exactly the same model. The
expression in
>> your formula for model 3:
>> Genotype:Load:Time
>> is more or less equivalent to:
>> factor(paste(design$Genotype, design$Load, design$Time, sep=":"))
>> except that the factor levels might possibly be in a different
order. As
>> for your question about doing the same test with Models 1 & 2, I
>> that both models are equivalent parametrizations of the same
design, so you
>> should get (nearly) identical dispersion estimates, and performing
>> equivalent tests with the two models should give you the same
p-values. If
>> you are not getting the same p-values, then you have not properly
set up
>> the contrast for Model 1. This isn't surprising, because a 3-way
>> interaction model is really confusing to work with, and I can't
even tell
>> you what the correct contrast would be. I would recommend that you
>> with Model 2 (or 3), where each coefficient has a direct biological
>> interpretation as the estimated expression level of a group.
>> contrasts for this parametrization is much easier, in my opinion. I
>> you would agree, since you got this contrast correct in your
example code.
>> -Ryan
>> On 1/29/14, 7:11 AM, Marco [guest] wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> I have a question about the way to define the model matrix for a
>>> multi-factorial design in which I want to model all the
interactions. In
>>> particular, I have a 3x3x2 factorial design (3 factors) and three
>>> biological replicates, so I have 3x3x2x3 = 54 sample.
>>> The three factors are:
>>> - GENOTYPE with the three levels F, G and P
>>> - LOAD with levels HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW
>>> - TIME with levels H and PH
>>> So this is the design matrix:
>>> design
>>> Time Load Genotype
>>> FHH_1 H High F
>>> FHPH_1 PH High F
>>> FHH_2 H High F
>>> FHPH_2 PH High F
>>> FHH_3 H High F
>>> FHPH_3 PH High F
>>> FMH_1 H Medium F
>>> FMPH_1 PH Medium F
>>> FMH_2 H Medium F
>>> FMPH_2 PH Medium F
>>> FMH_3 H Medium F
>>> FMPH_3 PH Medium F
>>> FLH_1 H Low F
>>> FLPH_1 PH Low F
>>> FLH_2 H Low F
>>> FLPH_2 PH Low F
>>> FLH_3 H Low F
>>> FLPH_3 PH Low F
>>> GHH_1 H High G
>>> GHPH_1 PH High G
>>> GHH_2 H High G
>>> GHPH_2 PH High G
>>> GHH_3 H High G
>>> GHPH_3 PH High G
>>> GMH_1 H Medium G
>>> GMPH_1 PH Medium G
>>> GMH_2 H Medium G
>>> GMPH_2 PH Medium G
>>> GMH_3 H Medium G
>>> GMPH_3 PH Medium G
>>> GLH_1 H Low G
>>> GLPH_1 PH Low G
>>> GLH_2 H Low G
>>> GLPH_2 PH Low G
>>> GLH_3 H Low G
>>> GLPH_3 PH Low G
>>> PHH_1 H High P
>>> PHPH_1 PH High P
>>> PHH_2 H High P
>>> PHPH_2 PH High P
>>> PHH_3 H High P
>>> PHPH_3 PH High P
>>> PMH_1 H Medium P
>>> PMPH_1 PH Medium P
>>> PMH_2 H Medium P
>>> PMPH_2 PH Medium P
>>> PMH_3 H Medium P
>>> PMPH_3 PH Medium P
>>> PLH_1 H Low P
>>> PLPH_1 PH Low P
>>> PLH_2 H Low P
>>> PLPH_2 PH Low P
>>> PLH_3 H Low P
>>> PLPH_3 PH Low P
>>> I am interested in finding all possible interactions between the
>>> factors, so I want to model also the three way interactions
>>> GENOTYPE:LOAD:TIME. I have already read the edgeR vignette so I
>>> wondering if the best way to define the model matrix is by
defining it with
>>> a formula or by defining each treatment combination as a group.
>>> I'm trying to understand which are the differences between the two
>>> alternatives, so I tried to estimate both the models:
>>> Model 1)
>>> mydesign1<-model.matrix(~Genotype * Load * Time, data=design)
>>> D1 <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(D, mydesign1) # D is the DGEList of
>>> normalized counts
>>> D1 <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(D1, mydesign1)
>>> fit1 <- glmFit(D1, mydesign1)
>>> The estimated coefficients are:
>>> > colnames(fit1)
>>> [1] "(Intercept)" "GenotypeG"
>>> [3] "GenotypeP" "LoadLow"
>>> [5] "LoadMedium" "TimePH"
>>> [7] "GenotypeG:LoadLow" "GenotypeP:LoadLow"
>>> [9] "GenotypeG:LoadMedium" "GenotypeP:LoadMedium"
>>> [11] "GenotypeG:TimePH" "GenotypeP:TimePH"
>>> [13] "LoadLow:TimePH" "LoadMedium:TimePH"
>>> [15] "GenotypeG:LoadLow:TimePH"
>>> [17] "GenotypeG:LoadMedium:TimePH"
>>> Model 2)
>>> Group <- factor(paste(design$Genotype, design$Load,
>>> sep="."))
>>> # I have 18 unique levels in Group (54 samples / 3 biological
>>> replicates)
>>> mydesign2<-model.matrix(~0+Group)
>>> colnames(mydesign2) <- levels(Group)
>>> D2 <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(D, mydesign2)
>>> D2 <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(D2, mydesign2)
>>> fit2<-glmFit(D2, mydesign2)
>>> > colnames(fit2)
>>> [1] "H.High.F" "H.High.G" "H.High.P" "H.Low.F"
>>> "H.Low.G"
>>> [6] "H.Low.P" "H.Medium.F" "H.Medium.G"
>>> "PH.High.F"
>>> [11] "PH.High.G" "PH.High.P" "PH.Low.F" "PH.Low.G"
>>> "PH.Low.P"
>>> [16] "PH.Medium.F" "PH.Medium.G" "PH.Medium.P"
>>> Now, to understand the differences between the two models, my
>>> question was this:
>>> if I define the contrast:
>>> contrast1<-c(rep(0,14), 1, 0, -1, 0) #
"GenotypeG:LoadLow:TimePH" vs
>>> "GenotypeG:LoadMedium:TimePH"
>>> on the first model and I make a LR test, will I obtain the same
>>> as making a LR test on the contrast:
>>> contrast2<-makeContrastsG.LowvsMedium.PH = PH.Low.G -
>>> levels=mydesign2)
>>> on the second model?
>>> This is the code I used to make the tests:
>>> lrt1.G.LowvsMedium.PH<-glmLRT(fit1, contrast=contrast1)
>>> summary(decideTestsDGElrt1.G.LowvsMedium.PH))
>>> and
>>> lrt2.G.LowvsMedium.PH<-glmLRT(fit2, contrast=contrast2[,"
>>> G.LowvsMedium.PH"])
>>> summary(decideTestsDGElrt2.G.LowvsMedium.PH))
>>> The answer to the question is no, because I've tried to do it on
my data
>>> and the results are different between the two tests. But why? Am I
>>> two completely different tests? The two parameters of the two
models aren't
>>> saying me the same thing?
>>> In a moment of madness :) I tried to estimate another model, with
>>> the three-level interactions between the factors.
>>> Model 3)
>>> mydesign3<-model.matrix(~0+Genotype:Load:Time, data=design)
>>> D3 <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(D, mydesign3)
>>> D3 <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(D3, mydesign3)
>>> fit3<-glmFit(D3, mydesign3)
>>> > colnames(fit3)
>>> [1] "GenotypeF:LoadHigh:TimeH" "GenotypeG:LoadHigh:TimeH"
>>> [3] "GenotypeP:LoadHigh:TimeH" "GenotypeF:LoadLow:TimeH"
>>> [5] "GenotypeG:LoadLow:TimeH" "GenotypeP:LoadLow:TimeH"
>>> [7] "GenotypeF:LoadMedium:TimeH" "GenotypeG:LoadMedium:TimeH"
>>> [9] "GenotypeP:LoadMedium:TimeH" "GenotypeF:LoadHigh:TimePH"
>>> [11] "GenotypeG:LoadHigh:TimePH" "GenotypeP:LoadHigh:TimePH"
>>> [13] "GenotypeF:LoadLow:TimePH" "GenotypeG:LoadLow:TimePH"
>>> [15] "GenotypeP:LoadLow:TimePH"
>>> [17] "GenotypeG:LoadMedium:TimePH"
>>> Well, this model gave me the same parameter estimates as the
model 2
>>> (each treatment combination as a group) and, obviously, the same
results in
>>> terms of DEG. But is it statistically correct to estimate a model
>>> three-level interactions without any principal effect?
>>> Thanks in advance for any replies!
>>> Marco
>>> -- output of sessionInfo():
>>> R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
>>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>> locale:
>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=Italian_Italy.1252 LC_CTYPE=Italian_Italy.1252
>>> [3] LC_MONETARY=Italian_Italy.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
>>> [5] LC_TIME=Italian_Italy.1252
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] splines parallel stats graphics grDevices utils
>>> [8] methods base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] EDASeq_1.8.0 ShortRead_1.20.0 Rsamtools_1.14.2
>>> [4] lattice_0.20-24 Biostrings_2.30.1
>>> [7] XVector_0.2.0 IRanges_1.20.6 Biobase_2.22.0
>>> [10] BiocGenerics_0.8.0 edgeR_3.4.2 limma_3.18.9
>>> [13] aroma.light_1.32.0 matrixStats_0.8.14 yeastRNASeq_0.0.10
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] annotate_1.40.0 AnnotationDbi_1.24.0 bitops_1.0-6
>>> [4] DBI_0.2-7 DESeq_1.14.0 genefilter_1.44.0
>>> [7] geneplotter_1.40.0 grid_3.0.2 hwriter_1.3
>>> [10] latticeExtra_0.6-26 R.methodsS3_1.6.1 R.oo_1.17.0
>>> [13] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 RSQLite_0.11.4 stats4_3.0.2
>>> [16] survival_2.37-6 tools_3.0.2 XML_3.98-1.1
>>> [19] xtable_1.7-1 zlibbioc_1.8.0
>>> --
>>> Sent via the guest posting facility at bioconductor.org.
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