edgeR glmLRT pearson residual
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Last seen 10.0 years ago
Hello, I am interested in applying my edgeR results to a modulated modularity clustering algorithm to explore community structure in the significantly differentially expressed genes. Is there a straightforward way to calculate Pearson or deviance residual values from the glmLRT results? Thank you. Cheers, Laura [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
edgeR edgeR • 1.2k views
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Last seen 9 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia
Dear Laura, edgeR does not automatically provide residuals, but it does provide information from which you can compute them yourself fairly easily. To get Pearson residuals: fit <- glmFit(y, design) y <- fit$counts mu <- fit$fitted.values phi <- fit$dispersion v <- mu*(1+phi*mu) resid.pearson <- (y-mu) / sqrt(v) To get deviances residuals you will need the devel version of edgeR: d <- nbinomUnitDeviance(y,mu,phi) resid.deviance <- sign(y-mu) * sqrt(d) Better than either of these however is the midp-quantile residual: resid.quantile <- zscoreNBinom(y,mu,size=1/phi) To read about quantile residuals: http://www.statsci.org/smyth/pubs/residual.html Best wishes Gordon > Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 16:53:27 -0500 > From: Laura Eierman <lee27 at="" cornell.edu=""> > To: bioconductor at r-project.org > Subject: [BioC] edgeR glmLRT pearson residual > > Hello, > I am interested in applying my edgeR results to a modulated modularity > clustering algorithm to explore community structure in the significantly > differentially expressed genes. > > Is there a straightforward way to calculate Pearson or deviance residual > values from the glmLRT results? > > Thank you. > Cheers, Laura ______________________________________________________________________ The information in this email is confidential and intend...{{dropped:4}}

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