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Solanki, Anisha
Last seen 10.6 years ago
>Dear Antti,
>Thanks for your reply to the Earlier question. I have managed to run
>GPLearn command and obtained some interesting results.
>However, when I try to run the GPRanktargets command I get this error
>"Error in yvar + sigma : non-conformable arrays".
>I think this means that my Data lacks calculated variances. As I
>understand from your User guide you process affymetrix Datasets using
>mmgmos command from the PUMA package which automatically calculates
>variances for you. However, when I try to run my expression value
>through this mmgmos command it doesn't work and gives me this error
>"unable to find an inherited method for function ?probeNames? for
>signature ?"ExpressionTimeSeries"?
>Please advise on whether I should use an independent method to
>the variances so the GPRanktargets works or whether the error lies
>somewhere else.
>On 06/02/2014 06:32, "Antti Honkela" <antti.honkela at="" hiit.fi="">
>>Dear Anisha,
>>GPLearn function expects the data (your MyExpressionSet) to be an
>>ExpressionTimeSeries object that you can create using functions
>>processData() or processRawData(). Can you please make sure you are
>>passing it the correct kind of object, as a wrong kind of object
>>cause an error like you describe?
>>Furthermore, in your example you specify a model with a regulating
>>but no targets. You should add some targets to get a sensible model.
>>screening candidate targets GPRankTargets() provides an easier
>>than GPLearn().
>>Thanks a lot for your report, I will update the package to make the
>>error message more informative!
>>On 2014-02-05 21:47 , Solanki, Anisha wrote:
>>> When I tried to run the GPLearn command with my expression set it
>>>me an error
>>> model <- GPLearn(MyExpressionSet, TF="ENSMUSG00000001300",
>>>useGpdisim=TRUE, quiet=TRUE)
>>> "Error in yvar[[1]] :subscript out of bounds".
>>> Please advise
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