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Matthew Hannah
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I've just downloaded and installed the latest r devel as advised, but
still get exactly the same error message when I try get BioC. So there
must be something else wrong.
I also tried installing R devel in new directory and updating packages
from scratch but no luck.
Plain getBioC() seems to work correctly so must be something with the
develOK... any more ideas?
Full error -
> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R")
> getBioC(develOK=TRUE)
Running getBioC version 1.2.64....
If you encounter problems, first make sure that
you are running the latest version of getBioC()
which can be found at: www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R
Please direct any concerns or questions to
Loading required package: reposTools
Loading required package: tools
Error in getBioC(develOK = TRUE) :
default: targets affy, cdna and exprs.
exprs: packages Biobase, annotate, genefilter, geneploter,
ROC, multtest, pamr vsn, and limma.
affy: packages affy, affydata, annaffy, affyPLM, makecdfenv,
and matchprobes plus 'exprs'.
cdna: packages marray, vsn, plus 'exprs'.
prog: packages graph, hexbin, externalVector.
graph: packages graph, Rgraphviz, RBGL
widgets: packages tkWidgets, widgetTools, DynDoc.
design: packages daMA and factDesign
externalData: packages externalVector and rhdf5.
database: AnnBuilder, SAGElyzer, Rdbi and RdbiPgSQL.
analyses: packages Biobase, ctc, daMA, edd, factDesign,
genefilter, geneplotter, globaltest, gpls, limma,
RMAGEML, multtest, pamr, wvalue, ROC, siggenes and
annotation: packages annotate, AnnBuilder, humanLLMappings
KEGG, GO, SNPtools, makecdfenv and ontoTools.
proteomics: packages gpls, PROcess and apComplex.
arrayCGH: packages aCGH, DNAcopy, repeated, and rmutil.
all: All of the Bio
> traceback()
2: stop(packNameOutput())
1: getBioC(develOK = TRUE)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Gentry [mailto:jgentry@jimmy.harvard.edu]
> Sent: Mittwoch, 1. September 2004 16:10
> To: Matthew Hannah
> Subject: RE: !SPAM? RE: [BioC] Errors w/ getBioC()
> > yes, as in my fist post R 2.0 devel (first release). I
> understood you
> > needed to in order to use the devel BioC, or was that only
> towards the
> > end of R1.9? When I get time I'll update. Last time I checked c. 1
> > month ago - the R devel was still the same version. I'll
> check again.
> R-devel changes constantly. The version number it lists (in this
> 2.0) is merely the version number of the next official
> release - going by version number (again, 2.0) means very
> little when tracking R-devel ... for instance using an
> R-devel from 2 weeks ago gives you a radically different
> version of R then the R-devel from today, despite both of
> them being listed as "R-2.0".
> Since BioC-devel tracks R-devel, sometimes when things change
> radically in R-devel, things will need ot change radically in
> various packages in BioC to compensate for that ... thus the
> problem you encountered.
> -J