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We are pleased to announce Bioconductor's youTube Channel.
Please go check it out and let us know what topics you would like to
see Videos on !
If you are a package developer, wondering how you can submit a
Instructional video for your package?
Simply add a Video: tag in the DESCRIPTION file of your package. We
make sure it appears
under Documentation section on your package landing page.
For examples on how it looks - Please check out VariantAnnotation
Package - where Valerie Obenchain
shows you how to read in VCF data.
A) you can send us a temporary link during package review(eg: hosted
of your dropbox)
We will be happy to upload it on our youTube Channel - a permanent
youTube link will be sent to
you - which you can add in your DESCRIPTION file.
b) If the video for your package already lives on youTube or your
website - just add the permanent link in
the Video : tag of your DESCRIPTION file.
Thanks and Regards,