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Last seen 10.4 years ago
I am not quite understand the way to specify the filepath in
"readRNAMultipleAlignmen" function.
Step 1: I try to read the file(Testing13Seq.aln) by specify the true
path of my file, but it result in error(origMAlign1).
Step 2: I move my file to the exdata folder in the Biostring package,
but I still tried to read the data with the true path. Again it result
in error(origMAlign2).
Step 3: The data remain at exactly the same path as in Step 2. Rather
call the the file with fullpath, I call through "system.file"
function. Now the data can be read (origMAlign3).
However, the pathfile in Step 2 and Step 3 are exactly the same path.
So my question is, do I need to move my data to the BioString package
everytime I need to read it, then call the file via system.file
function. Why cant I just type the fullpath, then read the file?
-- output of sessionInfo():
> origMAlign1 <- readRNAMultipleAlignment("D:/Research/Chivalai/DENGUE
Error in .Call2("new_XStringSet_from_CHARACTER", ans_class,
ans_elementType, :
key 84 (char 'T') not in lookup table
> origMAlign2 <- readRNAMultipleAlignment(filepath ="C:/Users/C.
Error in .Call2("new_XStringSet_from_CHARACTER", ans_class,
ans_elementType, :
key 84 (char 'T') not in lookup table
> origMAlign3 <- readDNAMultipleAlignment(filepath =system.file("extda
> origMAlign3
DNAMultipleAlignment with 13 rows and 11239 columns aln
[1] ---------------------------------------...-----------------------
--------------- gi|31339329|gb|AB...
--------------- gi|148828520|gb|E...
> filepath
> filepath
[1] "C:/Users/C. Temiyasathit/Documents/R/win-
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