I am working on RNA-seq data. I have gotten a VCF file using exactSNP function in Rsubread package, Then I want to use predictCoding function in VariantAnnotation to compute amino acid coding changes, there is an error. Thanks in advance for your help. here is the scripts and the error:
The scripts:
library(BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau6) library(VariantAnnotation) library(GenomicFeatures) vcf <- readVcf(file="/usr/home/qgg/flz/RNA-seq/SNP/SNP.VCF","bosTau6")##SNP.VCF gotten #from exactSNP function bosTau6 <- makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(genome = "bosTau6", tablename = "ensGene") saveDb(bosTau6, file="/usr/home/qgg/flz/RNA-seq/bosTau6.sqlite") txdb <- loadDb("/usr/home/qgg/flz/RNA-seq/bosTau6.sqlite") vcf <- keepSeqlevels(vcf,c(seqlevels(vcf)[1:30])) txdb <- keepSeqlevels(txdb,c(seqlevels(txdb)[1:30])) seqlevels(vcf)<-gsub("Chr","chr",seqlevels(vcf)) aa <- predictCoding(vcf,txdb,Btaurus)
The error:
Error in .Call2("DNAStringSet_translate", x, skip_code, dna_codes[codon_alphabet], : in 'x[[591]]': not a base at pos 2 Calls: predictCoding ... .predictCodingGRangesList -> translate -> translate -> .Call2 -> .Call