I am trying to use the function of fitTimeSeries of metagenomeSeq package. my dataset are longitudinal dataset of patients. There are multiple data points for each patient
If I use fitTimeSeries to one particular genus, it works. e.g.
res = fitTimeSeries(obj=obj,feature="k__Bacteria:p__Firmicutes:c__Clostridia:o__Clostridiales:f__Lachnospiraceae:g__Dorea",class="type",id="patient",time="ime",B=10)
However, when I try to apply to other genera. it failed with error " invalid 'times’ argument"
timeSeriesFits = lapply(classes,function(i){ fitTimeSeries(obj=obj, feature=i, class="type", id="patient", time="time", B=100) })
Could anyone give a hint?