Sorry Rory, for whatever reason it doesn't save the report in a csv file. I am doing:
myDBA <- dba.contrast(myDBA, group1=myDBA$masks$T1 & myDBA$masks$WT, group2=myDBA$masks$T1 & myDBA$masks$Transgenic, name1="WT:T1", name2="Transgenic:T1")
myDBA.DB <- dba.analyze(myDBA), bDB=TRUE, bGain=FALSE, bLoss=TRUE, file="myDBA_loss")
When I am writing bDB=TRUE is not saving myDBA_loss.csv , calling myDBA:
2 Samples, 351 sites in matrix (837 total):
If I remove bDB=TRUE is saving myDBA_loss.csv , calling myDBA:
GRanges with 837 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
But this is wrong as it is the whole DB matrix.
Should include other parameter? Excuse me for being so annoying
Thanks a lot