I have written an R script which includes a loop to download a list of Gsm. However, the url of some Gsms have changed or the condition internet became bad temporarily leading to a break of loop.
I want to continue the loop if some gsms fail to download and the name of gsm is written in a new list.
Thank you in advance.
Hi, Robert.
Thanks for your kind help.
I am new in R and it is a lot hard for me. Can you help me identify where my code listing below will be working?
Thanks a lot~
Best regards
hi Robin,
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking with "Can you help me identify where my code listing below will be working?". If you mean "whether my code will be working?" then I would suggest you to try it out yourself. If it does not work, try to interpret the error and the output and if you need hints about how to proceed, paste here the output of the execution and me and other people may be able to help.