While running DEXSeq on a Human dataset, (commands given below), I get the following error.
> countFiles=list.files(inDir,pattern="fb.txt$",full.names=TRUE)
>dxd=DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq(countFiles,sampleData=sampleTable,design=~sample+exon+condition:exon,flattenedfile=flattenedFile )
#using supplied model matrix #Error in estimateDispersionsFit(object, fitType = fitType, quiet = quiet) : # all gene-wise dispersion estimates are within 2 orders of magnitude #from the minimum value, and so the standard curve fitting techniques will not work. #You can instead use the gene-wise estimates as final estimates: #dds <- estimateDispersionsGeneEst(dds) #dispersions(dds) <- mcols(dds)$dispGeneEst
I tried using a smaller subset of geneset, but to no avail.
dxd=dxd[geneIDs( dxd )%in%genesForSubset,]
using supplied model matrix
Error in estimateDispersionsFit(object, fitType = fitType, quiet = quiet) :
all gene-wise dispersion estimates are within 2 orders of magnitude
from the minimum value, and so the standard curve fitting techniques will not work.
You can instead use the gene-wise estimates as final estimates:
dds <- estimateDispersionsGeneEst(dds)
dispersions(dds) <- mcols(dds)$dispGeneEst
Even, I tried using (estimateDispersionsGeneEst(dds) on dxd_esf object, but landed up with the following error.
dds <- estimateDispersionsGeneEst(dxd_esf) #error: inv(): matrix appears to be singular #Error: inv(): matrix appears to be singular
Please suggest a way out.