I tried spliceR to identify differential AS event between 2 conditions. I followed the example script from spliceR document:
# A) Retrieve data from Cufflinks
cuffDB <- readCufflinks(dir='./cuffdiff_output/', rebuild=TRUE, gtfFile=‘./cuff-
merge/merged.gtf’) # create SQL database via cummeRbund
mySpliceRList <- prepareCuff(cuffDB) # Extract data from SQL database
# B) Identify ORFs and annotate PTCs in transcripts
require("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",character.only = TRUE) # load genome sequence
ucscCDS <- getCDS(selectedGenome="hg19", repoName="UCSC") # Get annotated ORFs
mySpliceRList <- annotatePTC(mySpliceRList, ucscCDS, Hsapiens) # Analyze ORFs
# C) Analyze alternative splicing in transcripts
mySpliceRList <- spliceR(mySpliceRList, compareTo='preTranscript', filters= 'isoOK')
# D) Create GTF file
generateGTF(mySpliceRList, filters="isoOK", filePrefix=’./outputPaht/outputName’)
What is strange is in my output file, some of the genes were reported to have significant isoform expression, but not particular AS type associated, below is an example:
seqnames start end width strand spliceR.isoform_id spliceR.sample_1 spliceR.sample_2 spliceR.gene_id spliceR.CDS_id spliceR.gene_short_name spliceR.TSS_group_id spliceR.class_code 148 chr1 8021713 8045342 23630 * TCONS_00000148 control dose1 XLOC_000066 NA PARK7 TSS83 = spliceR.nearest_ref_id spliceR.length spliceR.coverage spliceR.seqnames spliceR.strand spliceR.source spliceR.type spliceR.score spliceR.phase spliceR.gene_name spliceR.oId spliceR.nearest_ref 148 NM_007262 961 NA chr1 * Cufflinks exon NA NA PARK7 NM_007262 NM_007262 spliceR.contained_in spliceR.gene_status spliceR.gene_value_1 spliceR.gene_value_2 spliceR.gene_log2_fold_change spliceR.gene_p_value spliceR.gene_q_value spliceR.gene_significant 148 <NA> OK 250.315 315.129 0.332198 0.00045 0.00137226 yes spliceR.iso_status spliceR.iso_value_1 spliceR.iso_value_2 spliceR.iso_log2_fold_change spliceR.iso_p_value spliceR.iso_q_value spliceR.iso_significant spliceR.cdsPosGenomic 148 OK 184.003 237.155 0.366099 0.00105 0.00501938 yes 8022846 spliceR.stopPosGenomic spliceR.ExonWithStart spliceR.ExonWithStop spliceR.cdsPosTranscipt spliceR.stopPosTranscipt spliceR.stopDistance spliceR.junctionIndex spliceR.PTC spliceR.major 148 8045113 2 7 164 733 -161 0 FALSE NA spliceR.IF1 spliceR.IF2 spliceR.dIF spliceR.ESI spliceR.MEE spliceR.MESI spliceR.ISI spliceR.A5 spliceR.A3 spliceR.ATSS spliceR.ATTS spliceR.analyzed spliceR.ESI.start spliceR.ESI.end 148 73.5086 75.2565 1.7479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 yes <NA> <NA> spliceR.MEE.start spliceR.MEE.end spliceR.MESI.start spliceR.MESI.end spliceR.ISI.start spliceR.ISI.end spliceR.A5.start spliceR.A5.end spliceR.A3.start spliceR.A3.end spliceR.ATSS.start 148 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> spliceR.ATSS.end spliceR.ATTS.start spliceR.ATTS.end 148 <NA> <NA> <NA>
Did I do anything wrong? How should I interpret the results?
Thank you very much for your help.