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M Inmaculada Barrasa
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi all,
Could anyone give a hint on where to look to solve this problem?
I am doing a loess normalization using a subset of genes that don?t
I get the following errors.
> test2CLoess <- maNorm (test2Raw, norm = "loess", subset = nonDE,
Mloc =
TRUE, mscale = TRUE, echo = TRUE)
Normalization method: loess.
Normalizing array 1.
Error in simpleLoess(y, x, w, span, degree, parametric, drop.square,
normalize, :
invalid `x'
I had used the same commands and set of data with the previous version
of R
and marray and limma package, I was trying to check that everything
working the same way with the new versions. But the problem may not be
to the new versions but to some thing else.
Where can I find the documentation for what in ?simpleLoess(y, x, w,
degree, parametric, drop.square, normalize? is expecting for x?
Thanks a lot