Hey. I am referencing my R console output as follows:
> y <- matrix(rnorm(5*2),5,2)
> design <- matrix(c(1,1),2,1)
> > # First set of 3 genes are genuinely differentially expressed
> index1 <- 1:5
> y[index1,2] <- y[index1,2]+1
> > # Second set of 2 genes are not DE
> index2 <- 4:5
> > c=camera(y, list(set1=index1,set2=index2), design)
> y
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -1.0451966 -1.5088467
[2,] 0.5473909 -0.1203236
[3,] 0.4864850 0.8291973
[4,] 0.9755390 -1.3448109
[5,] -1.4054274 0.3586121
> index1 [1] 1 2 3 4 5
> index2 [1] 4 5
> c
NGenes Correlation Direction PValue FDR
set2 2 -1.0 Down 0.6768028 0.6768028
et1 5 -0.2 Up NaN NaN
Request to please help me understand a few points. I understand that 'y', my input contains two samples of 5 genes each. and my index1 and index2 are shown above. I wanted to know what does this output signify looking at the Pvalues and why do we need to specify 2 samples in 'y'. As far as I understand, for set 2 we are comparing the genes 4 and 5 (in the set) to the genes 1, 2 and 3 (not in the set).
Thanks for your help.
Akarshan Puri