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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I'd like to continue on the topic I've posted a few daysa go
("unbalanced design") - but in a slightly different direction ...
I'm trying to figure out a dose response from an experiment (affy)
that was conducted in three independent studies (basically each study
conducted the same dose treatment, using slightly different
protocols). I'd like to find genes that are consitently modulated by
dose across the three studies using a linear model:
value ~ study + dose + study:dose
The problem is that the studies have quite different intensity
distributions of the PMs). I've some doubts that RMA or VSN are
appropiate normalization methods for this problem. Forcing all
distributions to be the same may buffer the very strong study effect
but may also erase some of the tiny (but significant) differences due
to dose.
I think the linear model above should take care of study differences,
so maybe a less stringent normalization would do it. I'd be interested
what normalization people use for this type of analysis.
kind regards,