Maybe I am missing something, but when I run camera with any annotation I can find I never get any differently expressed gene sets, when I get so so many more with mroast and romer. For example this is running on my differentially expressed human microarray genes with GO gene sets.
results <- camera(rows.to.keep, c2.indices, design,contrast=2) results2 <- mroast(rows.to.keep, c2.indices,design,contrast=2,nrot=999) results3 <- romer(rows.to.keep, c2.indices,design,contrast=2,nrot=999) significant_up <- subset(results3, Up <= 0.05) significant_down <- subset(results3, Down <= 0.05) significant <- rbind(significant_up, significant_down) significant2 <- subset(results2, FDR <= 0.05) significant3 <- subset(results, FDR <= 0.05)
significant camera = 0
significant romer = 111
significant mroast = 502
So why is this? I guess cameras statistical method must be a lot more conservative, but it seems conservative to the extent where it is useless for all practical purposes. This seems a bit of a shame to me. Am I just using it in the wrong situation or something? I have not read the papers.
You should definitely read the papers, because camera and roast are answering different questions, so you shouldn't expect to be able to compare their results.
Although I cannot give an answer to your question, you mention at the end that you did not read the papers. Maybe you should. Regardless whether there is a problem with the implementation or not, it is a good idea to be familiar with the methods used to analyze the data and on which we plan to derive conclusions.