I look to help of assessNumberSignatures in SomaticSignature package
assessNumberSignatures(m, nSigs, decomposition = nmfDecomposition, ..., nReplicates = 1)
According to manual nRplicates is:
nReplicates: How many replicates should be used for assing a single value of 'nSigs'? For decomposition methods with random seeding, values greater than 1 are reasonable.
I understood that values greater than 1 are reasonable but i would like to know if replicates means biological replicates. What if i have only one lung cancer, one colon caner and one breast cancer samples. What if i have 10 colon cancer samples from different patients?
Thank you very much.
Thanks Julian for clarification. What about my earlier question on plotSignature error. Any news??
Can we please not mix different issues? If you still have problems with plot Signatures error, please report it there.