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Miguel Gallach
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Hi list,
I am interested in testing Genetic x Environment interaction for RNA-
data. However, if I understood correctly, DeSeq do not test for
interaction, right?
My experimental design consists in comparing expression of two
populations, two replicates per population (Pop A1, Pop A2 vs. Pop B1
Pop B2), at different temperatures (T1 and T2). The next table
my data frame and my procedure:
A1.T1 A2.T1 B1.T1
A1.T2 A2.T2 B1.T2
Gene1 count count count
count count count
Gene2 count count count
count count count
Gene n count count count
count count count
Desing = data.frame (treatment = ("T1"," T1"," T1"," T1"," T2"," T2","
T2"," T2"), block = c("A1","A2","B1","B2","A1","A2","B1","B2"))
cds = newCountDataSet(myData, desing)
cds = estimateSizeFactors(cds)
cds = estimateVarianceFunctions(cds, method = "pooled")
fit0 = nbinomFitGLM(cds, count ~ block)
fit1 = nbinomFitGLM(cds, count ~ block + treatment)
fit2 = nbinomFitGLM(cds, count ~ block + treatment + block:treatment)
pvals2 = nbinomGLMTest (fit2, fit1)
padj2 = p.adjust (pvals2, method = "BH")
pvals = nbinomGLMTest (fit1, fit0)
padj = p.adjust (pvals, method = "BH")
myData = data.frame (myData, pvals, padj)
May I use the same cds to test fit0, fit1 and fit2?
If understand ok, this is not correct since I need to estimate
SizeFactor and VarianceFuntions for each GLM, wright?
If I am wright, is then there anyway to test for Block, treatments and
Block:Treatment with DeSeq?
Thank you very much for your help.
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Dear Simon - I know this is a very late follow up - but there is a reason I need to relate directly to this post.
I am interested in replicating this (i.e. ~ population + treatment + population:treatment, in my case ~ gender + disease + gender:disease, 22 samples in total (each one from a different subject)) with DESeq2. DESeq2 appears to no longer use nbinomFitGLM - does the function have a new name in DESeq2, or is the approach now different?
Could you take me through it step by step from the cds object ( I make it using DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount)
My disease factor has 2 levels: ASD and LTC, and I'm interested in how the disease effects may be different in male and female samples. I have 11 in each of the diesase groups: ASD = 9x male, 2x female, LTC = 4x male, 7x female)
I tried to follow the steps in the manual for standard and expanded model matrices, but got quickly lost.