Hi Aaron,
Sorry for being so annoying asking questions, at the end I have decided that predefined regions is not worth it by now (at least), maybe at the future. I have arrived to a good filtering normalisation options for my ChIPs (I think), and I am just merging and getting the windows with strongest differential binding as follows:
merged_ab<- mergeWindows(rowRanges(filtered.data_ab),tol=1000L)
tab.best_ab<-getBestTest(merged_ab$id, results_ab$table)
ofile<-gzfile("/results_ab.gz", open="w")
write.table(data.frame(as.data.frame(merged_ab$region)[,1:3], tab.best_ab), file=ofile, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
As I understood getBestTest is giving the best p-value per cluster , right? But it doesn't mean that is significant, right? I need to sort out those that are not.
Can I also do it for the FDR?
Thanks a lot!! You will not get rid of me XD , I will put you in acknowledgements in paper , promised :-)
Ok, I see. For whatever reason I though that they could also sort by significance, but in fact they both report a p-value per cluster following different strategies. To sort by significance I need to do section 7.2, rigth?
Yes, that's right.