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Tapan Mehta
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I am a new user of BioConductor and would like to seek
some guidance. I am trying to use the widgets option
for enabling the user interface. I am trying to follow
the Affy documentation. However I am getting an error
saying library tkWidgets and widgetTools need to be
loaded. I have installed the R1.6.1 version and have
the tkwidgets library in it but the widgetTool library
is missing. I have also tried to set the environment
path for tcltk. Please can anyone of you let me know
how and from where should I download the widgetTools
> Data <- ReadAffy(widget=TRUE)
Loading required package: tkWidgets
Loading required package: widgetTools
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Package
widgetTools unavailable
In addition: Warning message:
There is no package called `widgetTools' in:
library(package, char = TRUE, logical = TRUE,
warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
> library(tkWidgets)
Loading required package: widgetTools
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Package
widgetTools unavailable
In addition: Warning message:
There is no package called `widgetTools' in:
library(package, char = TRUE, logical = TRUE,
warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
Thanking you,
Tapan Mehta
Research Assistant
Department of Biostatistics
School of Public Health