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Jeff Sorenson
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Can anyone point me to a reference where these numbers regarding false
positives were derived? This is a huge difference!
Jeff Sorenson
> two things to keep in mind:
> 1) rma return log2 expression so make
> sure to use 2^(exp1-exp2) to compute fold change.
> 2) rma sacrifices a bit in bias for big gains in precission. for
> using affymetrix's spike in data and using the fold-change>2
> (ignoring presence absent calls) to define differentially expressed
> MAS 5.0 gives you, on average, 12.5 true positives (out of 14
> differentially expressed genes) but 3110 false positives.
> RMA on the other hand gives you a bit smaller average # of true
> positives, 11.6, but a much smaller average # of false
positives: 18.
> hope this helps,
> rafael