Hi Shruti,
sorry for the delay in response, and sorry for the problem that you encountered.
The "tempPlus < 0" error is usually caused by a mismatch of chromosome annotations, e.g. "1,2,...X,Y" in your reference genome and "chr1, chr2...chrX, chrY" in your virtual fragment library. The function "createVirtualFragmentLibrary" has the option "useOnlyIndex", which is per default set to FALSE, so if your reference includes "chr"s, then you might either want to recreate the virtual fragment library with "useOnlyIndex = TRUE", or add the missing "chr" via R to the virtual fragment library. The format of this library is pretty simple, basically just a tab-separated file that should be easy to manipulate.
If this doesn't work, please ask again (either here or per mail; I'm the package's maintainer); to help me track down the problem I'd also ask you to specify both the type of reference genome (like "mm10" or whatever) and the restriction enzymes that you use - this allows me to create the basic virtual fragment library myself and check it for any strange occurrences.
Best wishes, and thanks for trying out the package,
Hi Shruti,
Did you solved this problem?
I am having the same one while using Basic4Cseq on my 4Cseq data.