EdgeR does not change when swap the tissue column
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Last seen 8.7 years ago

I am running edgeR on sRNA-seq data with two tissues Control(Tissue_1) and Treated(Tissue_2) having normalized TPM (transcript per million) values for  each. I need the log FC ratio with Treated(tissue_2) value in the numerator and Control(Tissue_1) in the denominator but the results I am getting with EdgeR are there with opposite sign (-ve sign in place of + and vice a versa); e.g.:

edgeR input:

Gene_IDs Tissue_1 Tissue_2    
Gene_1 3.221 7.309    
Gene_2 2.052 2.186    
Gene_3 395.654 3190.938    
Gene_4 6.823 1.518    

edgeR output:

logFC  logCPM PValue FDR
-0.580512415 3.9735306 0.79990005 1
0.590031015 3.18245995 1 1
-2.383840251 11.7947221 0.000561377 0.002175337
2.34829059 3.91839419 0.08447205 0.218219462






even when I swap the groups the result remain the same. Please suggest where I am going wrong.

We are using  R 2.15.0 and BiocInstaller version 1.8.3.

Please ask for any other data you need to undersatnd this issue. We found similar kind of issue previously asked on Bioconductor ( EdgeR: Log FC does not changes when I swap the groups ), but no satisfactory solution found there.

 Command line is as following -

Case1: Column1 = Gene_IDs, Column2 = Tissue_1, Column3 = Tissue_2.

R command line as following-

$ /home/DE_analysis.pl --matrix Input_case1.txt --method edgeR --output Inputcase1

Got 3 samples, and got: 3 data fields.

Header: Gene_IDs        Tissue1 Tissue2

Next: Gene_1    7.309   3.221

-shifting sample indices over.

$VAR1 = {

          'Tissue2' => 2,

          'Tissue1' => 1


$VAR1 = {

          'Tissue2' => [



          'Tissue1' => [




Contrasts to perform are: $VAR1 = [






CMD: R --vanilla -q < Input_case1.txt.Tissue1_vs_Tissue2.Tissue1.vs.Tissue2.EdgeR.Rscript > library(edgeR)

Loading required package: limma

> data = read.table("/home/Anoop/testing/Input_case1.txt", header=T, row.names=1, com='')

> col_ordering = c(1,2)

> rnaseqMatrix = data[,col_ordering]

> rnaseqMatrix = round(rnaseqMatrix)

> rnaseqMatrix = rnaseqMatrix[rowSums(rnaseqMatrix)>=2,]

> conditions = factor(c(rep("Tissue1", 1), rep("Tissue2", 1)))

> exp_study = DGEList(counts=rnaseqMatrix, group=conditions)

> exp_study = calcNormFactors(exp_study)

> et = exactTest(exp_study, dispersion=0.1)

> tTags = topTags(et,n=NULL)

> write.table(tTags, file='Input_case1.txt.Tissue1_vs_Tissue2.edgeR.DE_results', sep='  ', quote=F, row.names=T)

> source("/home/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/R/rnaseq_plot_funcs.R")

> pdf("Input_case1.txt.Tissue1_vs_Tissue2.edgeR.DE_results.MA_n_Volcano.pdf")

> result_table = tTags$table

> plot_MA_and_Volcano(result_table$logCPM, result_table$logFC, result_table$FDR)

> dev.off()

edger rnaseq R • 1.0k views
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There's a couple of problems with your post:

  • You're not using the latest version of R or Bioconductor, which will make it difficult to diagnose problems.
  • You've got a strange set-up involving a perl script and command line arguments. Please give a minimum working example only using R code.
  • The link you supply doesn't work.
  • You can't use TPM values with edgeR, you need the raw counts.
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Last seen 15 minutes ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

To swap the order of the comparison:

exactTest(exp_study, pair=c(2,1), dispersion=0.1)

The order of comparison has nothing to do with the order that the samples occur in your dataset.


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