(I also asked this question on Biostars here.)
I'm stumped. I'm trying to plot a few transcripts at the same time, given transcript names and a TxDb. These are examples of approaches I've tried:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup: library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) library(Gviz) txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Try 1: gr <- GenomicFeatures::exons( txdb, vals = list(tx_name = c("uc001aaa.3", "uc010nxq.1")), columns = list("EXONNAME", "TXNAME", "GENEID")) track <- Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(gr) Gviz::plotTracks(track) # Creates a plot, but doesn't show transcript grouping ​
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Try 2 gr <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts( txdb, vals = list(tx_name = c("uc001aaa.3", "uc010nxq.1")), columns = list("EXONNAME", "TXNAME", "GENEID")) track <- Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(gr) Gviz::plotTracks(track) # Creates a plot, but has no exon/intron information
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Try 3 gr <- exonsBy(txdb, by = "tx", use.names=TRUE)[c("uc001aaa.3", "uc010nxq.1")] track <- Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(gr) # Error in .fillWithDefaults(DataFrame(chromosome = as.character(seqnames(range)), : # Number of elements in argument 'feature' is invalid
None of these work for me. I want to display exon/intron-structures and have arrows between exons. Does anyone have suggestions?