Im first time working on microarray data analysis. My chip is hugene 2.0 ST. Using xps package I have differential expressed exons.
Probeset ID UNIT_ID Statistics Mean1 Mean2 StandardError DegreeOfFreedom
16657437 3742 -3.87699 1.80551 8.27607 0.566558 4
16657441 3745 2.89796 3.81905 1.38638 0.504455 4
16657456 3757 3.14543 4.51182 1.69900 0.447957 4
16657519 3802 -3.04069 5.91567 18.16170 0.532210 4
16657589 3857 -2.97385 4.26765 10.45620 0.434738 4
16657604 3867 -3.26664 21.48650 37.10300 0.241258 4
Probeset ID P-Value P-Adjusted FoldChange
16657437 0.0178869 0.0178869 4.583780
16657441 0.0442085 0.0442085 0.363018
16657456 0.0346659 0.0346659 0.376568
16657519 0.0383762 0.0383762 3.070100
16657589 0.0409876 0.0409876 2.450110
16657604 0.0308867 0.0308867 1.726800
In the above table the probeset Id represents differential expressed exons. So now, How to check which probesets belong to which transcript? Thank you in advance.
Thank you. Could you please tell me how to find the best probeset ?