Entering edit mode
Hello, I started an enrichment analysis but I'am stuck with the enrichment part, my organism is not in the list of supported organisms so I made my custom annotation. When I use the enricher function I just get a NA vector, what am I doing wrong?
> require(clusterProfiler)
> gene=as.vector(read.table('test.txt'))
> gene <- as.vector(gene[,1])
> head(gene)
[1] "TR8693|c0_g1" "TR21614|c0_g1" "TR9528|c0_g1" "TR27994|c0_g1"
[5] "TR21705|c1_g1" "TR20654|c0_g2"
> gda <- read.delim("GO_full.txt")
> dim(gda)
[1] 61552 4
> head(gda)
geneID goID description ontology
1 TR1|c0_g1 GO:0005737 cytoplasm cellular_component
2 TR1|c0_g1 GO:0005829 cytosol cellular_component
3 TR1|c0_g1 GO:0005654 nucleoplasm cellular_component
4 TR1|c0_g1 GO:0005634 nucleus cellular_component
5 TR1|c0_g1 GO:0022624 proteasome accessory complex cellular_component
6 TR1|c0_g1 GO:0000502 proteasome complex cellular_component
> term2gene=gda[, c("goID", "geneID")]
> term2desc=gda[, c("goID", "description")]
> x = enricher(gene, TERM2GENE=term2gene, TERM2NAME=term2desc)
> head(summary(x))
Mode NA's
"logical" "1"
Please help me. Thanks in advace.