Is there a way to test for differential binding above a log2 fold change threshold in the dba.analyze() portion of DiffBind? I understand we could use the fold argument in dba.report() to extract the subset of results that meet the desired threshold, but this is performed after differential testing. I am specifically looking for peaks that have >2-fold signal in one group over the other. According to Section 2.12 ("Differential expression above a fold-change threshold") of the edgeR user's guide, such hypotheses should undergo thresholded testing so that we can obtain meaningful p-values and FDRs.
I am using method=DBA_ALL_METHODS in dba.analyze() to obtain results from all routines. If thresholded testing is not possible in DiffBind, I could try to just export the relevant objects and perform the tests directly in the respective packages.
I am using DiffBind 1.14.6 and R 3.2.1, but I have also taken a look at the manual for the latest version of DiffBind.
Thanks for such a great resource and thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Rory, thanks for your response!