I am attempting to use edgeR (3.12.1)'s glmTreat() function to identify genes that are significantly up-regulated by >2-fold in one group over another. My understanding from Sections 2.12 and 4.4.8 of the edgeR User's Guide is that the log2 fold changes for each gene will be tested against the absolute value of glmTreat()'s lfc parameter, which would output differentially expressed genes that are both up- and down-regulated. Is it possible to perform a more specific test in edgeR to identify just the significantly up-regulated genes above a lfc threshold, instead of extracting the subset of up-regulated genes post hoc?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Aaron, thanks for your response. I'm perfectly fine with identifying genes that are regulated in either direction -- just thought it couldn't hurt to test a more specific hypothesis if it wasn't too much extra work. I'll definitely try the second option you suggested. Thanks again for your help.