I would like to understand how does DESeq to compute the baseMean values for each model.
I have tho models:
MODEL A: where design = ~ V1
MODEL B: where design = ~ V2 + V1
When the results matrix appers for each model, there are some bacterias for which baseMean value change between them and the rest arte still the same. Why these changes, and why not in every bacteria?
Tank you!
I'm adding a comment to start a threaded discussion... not that the ADD YOUR ANSWER is for replying to the top post (your original question).
If you take a look at ?DESeq you have information about this, under Details, the paragraph starting with "The argument minReplicatesForReplace is used to decide..."
If you prefer, you can turn off the outlier replacement using minReplicatesForReplace=Inf for DESeq() and turn off filtering with cooksCutoff=FALSE in results() and then examine the genes with high mcols(dds)$maxCooks by eye. These procedures were designed using "standard" RNA-seq datasets and manual inspection may perform better for other types of datasets.