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>Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:07:56 -0300
>From: Marcelo Luiz de Laia <mlaia@fcav.unesp.br>
>Subject: [BioC] How extract F.p.value and lods values from a eBayes
> object in limma???
>To: bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch
>I do the commands:
>todos20050401.fit3 <- eBayes(todos20050401.fit2)
>selected <- p.adjust(todos20050401.fit3$F.p.value,method="fdr")<0.05
>selected.result <- todos20050401.fit3$genes[selected,]
>In my cvs file I get the name of genes, but I don t get the
>nor "lods" values.
You've asked for the names of the genes with small values of
F.p.value, and
that's what you got.
>I try:
>Error: syntax error
>I read about cbind, but I don t obtain success, too.
>Please, Anyone point me if is possible todo?
The answer to the question in the title of your email is:
What is it that you really want?