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Last seen 10.5 years ago
I've got some Agilent microarray data for 3 different groups, and am
trying to
use limma to select differentially expressed genes.
Here's the steps I've taken so far:
> allone <-function (qta)
+ {
+ 1
+ }
> targets <- readTargets("new-cort-targets.txt")
> RG <- read.maimages(targets$FileName,source="agilent",wt.fun=allone)
Read 1/Cort(N-C)2.txt
Read 2/cort(N-E)2.txt
Read 2/cort(N-E)3.txt
Read 5/dye swap/cort(C-N).txt
Read 5/dye swap/Cort(E-N).txt
> types <- readSpotTypes("spottype.txt")
> status <- controlStatus(types, RG)
Matching patterns for: ControlType
Found 22393 other
Found 913 Positive
Found 162 Negative
Found 21318 gene
Setting attributes: values Color ID Name
> RG$genes$Status <- status
> RG <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="none")
> weights <- modifyWeights(RG$weights, status,
> MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG,method="loess",weights=weights)
> MA.b <- normalizeBetweenArrays(MA,method="scale")
> design <- modelMatrix(targets, ref="Naive")
Found unique target names:
Control Enriched Naive
> fit <- lmFit(MA.b,design,weights=weights)
> fit.b <- eBayes(fit)
> table <- topTable(fit.b,coef=1,number=100)
> write.table(table,file="table.txt", sep="\t", col.names = NA)
> calls.strict <- decideTests(fit.b,adjust.method="fdr")
> write.fit(fit.b,results=calls.strict,file="fit.txt",digits=3)
My question is, when I look at the top table, my best candidate is
"" "Row" "Col" "ProbeUID" "ControlType" "ProbeName"
"GeneName" "Description"
"Status" "M" "A" "t" "P.Value" "B"
"10984" 52 106 10181 0 "A_51_P443387" "AJ276707"
"Mus musculus partial mRNA
for WTAP protein" "gene" -0.9176259 9.403058
-11.262342 0.2490771 -2.218647
Which has an adjusted p value of 0.2490771
The fit object also has a p-value column, and it is adjusted in
write.fit, but
the corresponding line from the fit is:
A Control Enriched Control Enriched Control
Enriched Control Enriched Row Col
ProbeUID ControlType ProbeName GeneName
Description Status
9.40 -0.918 -0.267 -11.26 -4.02 0.00001 0.00533 -1 0
52 106 10181 0
A_51_P443387 AJ276707 Mus musculus partial mRNA for WTAP
protein gene
The p value for contrast 1 is 0.00001.
Why are the p values so different?
Can I say this gene is or is not differentially expressed? Note that
decideTests result for contrast 1 is -1, so I understand that
thinks it is differentially expressed. Looking at the topTable output,
however, makes it unlikely to be differentially expressed.
Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga
High Performance Computing facility
University of Puerto Rico