Dear Community,
I have a question about the voom-limma of RNA-Seq data analysis. I have multi-factor design with three factors: A (16 levels), B (2 levels) and C (three levels), and A is the random effect.
My question is how to treat A as random effect in the model fitting in limma. I am not quite clear about it even after referring to the limma user manual.
My code are given as below:
y<-DGEList(counts=T,group=Group) ####T is the RNASeq count data
v <- voom(y,design,plot=TRUE)
corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(v,design,block=Design$A)
fitRan <- lmFit(v,design,block=Design$A,correlation=corfit$consensus)
fitRan <- eBayes(fitRan)
My questions:
1. I want to fit the multi-factor ANOVA model with treating factor A as random effect, Are the codes above correct?
2. As I treat factor A as random effect, I want to the variance explained by factor A? Is there any option in limma report the variation explained by the random effect?
3. I want to test the factor A effect, is it correct that I use topTable(fitRan,coef=c(seq(2,16,1)),number=Inf)? From the second column to 16th column of coefficients matrix are for factor A's level.