Thanks Dr Smyth and Dr Shi for sharing limma to analyze RNA-seq data.
The first confusion is :
Does very noisy data mean having rows with zero or very low counts?
Secondly, after performing voom normalization, why the output DEGs (adj.P.Val<=0.05) of limma analyzing RNA-seq data is just 1/3 of those by Tophat-CuffDiff (q<0.05), regardless of setting the absolute logFC>=1.
Furthermore, the mountain peak of voom: Mean−variance trend is not so charming as the expected in protocol, something like smooth downhill.
So we want to know what shall we do to normalize the DataMatrix?
Can we set logFC to 1 and adj.P.Val<=0.1, with the moderate threadshold?
Thanks again.
You'll want to split
and limma into separate tags, otherwise the maintainers won't get notified.Having rows with low or zero counts typically means either your gene/feature is low in abundance or you haven't sequenced deep enough to detect it. You need to remove rows with low or zero counts for limma to work properly I believe, this could help. Your method or normalisation depends on your intent.