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Mohammad Esad-Djou
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello all,
I would like to use spikein and HGU-133ATAG experiment for
Concentrations comparison.
The relationship between Spikein and HGU-133ATAG is still unclear to
I have a small program, which runs with SpikeIn in affy Package
without errors:
pms <- pm(SpikeIn)
mms <- mm(SpikeIn)
concentrations <- matrix(as.numeric(sampleNames(SpikeIn)), 20, 12,
byrow = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
matplot(concentrations, pms, log = "xy", main = "PM", ylim =
lines(concentrations[1, ], apply(pms, 2, mean), lwd = 3)
matplot(concentrations, mms, log = "xy", main = "MM", ylim =
lines(concentrations[1, ], apply(mms, 2, mean), lwd = 3)
Now I would like to run same test with Hg-U133ATAG.
My algorithm has 5 steps:
A. READ *.CEL file --> data.raw (AffyBatch Object)
B. extract probe sets from AffyBatch Object --> pset
C. INIT. PM and MM from pset
D. Calculate Concentrations (if NA THEN pset = pset[!is.na(pset) ])
E. matplot for PM and MM
afterwards I write in R:
# Upto 42 Experiments:
data.raw <- ReadAffy(filenames="H:/Profile/Eigene
ps <- probeset(data.raw)
pms <- pm(ps[[1]])
mms <- mm(ps[[1]])
#concentrations <- matrix(as.numeric(sampleNames(ps[[1]])), 20, 1,
byrow = TRUE)
#Warning message:
#NAs introduced by coercion
psna = ps[[1]][!is.na(ps[[1]])]
concentrations <- matrix(as.numeric(sampleNames(ps[[1]])), 16, 1,
byrow = TRUE)
# No Answer!?
I cannot find my source of error. Can Someone help me?
Mohammad Esad-Djou