Entering edit mode
Last seen 10.6 years ago
This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages. Please see the URL
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history.
Feb 28, 2003: exprDB - dropped the exprs/se/calls database format to a
vector of reals (i.e. a multichannel entry for each
with exprSets employing 2 channels. This should allow
for better
representation of affy and cDNA feature data, where the
memory problem lies. - BE
Feb 28, 2003: affy - mas background now uses average of lowest 2% as
value rather than the 2% quantile - BMB
Feb 27, 2003: added greenred.color as per user request
Feb 26, 2003: tkWidgets - argsWidget allows the creation of a tk
widgets for
user to input arguments for a given R function. For
argsWidget(formals("list.files")) creats a tk widget for
argements for function list.files. - JZ.
Feb 26, 2003: Rgraphviz - Now allows for directed graphs
Feb 24, 2003: graph/Rgraphviz - moved some of the plotting
back to Rgraphviz. JG