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I am planning a three day course on Bioconductor. Tentative
dates are 21-22-23 July. Location: Longwood Medical Area,
Boston, MA.
Tentative agenda.
21 July. A. R overview. Managing workspaces.
B. Bioconductor overview. Fundamental structures.
and processes. Survey of packages. Installation
and maintenance.
C. Preprocessing spotted cDNA arrays.
22 July D. Preprocessing affymetrix(TM) arrays.
E. Annotation and visualization resources.
F. Experimental design and statistical inference.
Multiple comparisons.
G. Linear models and extensions. Differential expression.
23 July H. Distance metrics; cluster analysis; dimension reduction.
J. Machine learning.
K. Graphs and networks; visualization support.
L. Case studies; workflow options
The format of the course will be lectures followed by detailed
hands-on exercises. Students must bring their own laptops.
Wireless internet access is expected to be available.
CDs with all required software and data will be supplied for
windows laptops, DVDs for mac laptops. Scripts for loading
linux laptops will be made available prior to the course.
Hardcopies of lectures and labs will be provided on site.
Fees: Grad students and postdocs: $450; academics $600; commercial
$1200. If interested in registering for the course please
e-mail stvjc@channing.harvard.edu with "July bioc training"
in the header. Full registration materials will become available
next week.
Vince Carey, PhD
Assoc. Prof Med (Biostatistics)
Harvard Medical School
Channing Laboratory - ph 6175252265 fa 6177311541
181 Longwood Ave Boston MA 02115 USA