Hi everyone,
I am an undergraduate at the University of Virginia and new to RStudio. I am in need of assistance regarding my DESeq2 analysis. I would like to use DESeq2 to process paired RNASeq samples. I have over 100 samples from male and females patients. For each patient, I have two treatments (With-FBS and Without-FBS). I would like to run DESeq2 to identify the differentially expressed genes between males and females irrespective of their treatment. My question is, how do I tell DESeq2 that each pair of With-FBS and Without-FBS treated samples belong to one patient?
I have included my metadata(coldata) and countdata below in addition to the interaction model I think need based on what I described above.
Whenever I include Donor anywhere in the interaction model, I get this error message
ddsBA <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = GctscountBA,
colData = metaDataBA,
design = ~ Donor + Treatment:Sex)
Error in checkFullRank(modelMatrix) : the model matrix is not full rank, so the model cannot be fit as specified. One or more variables or interaction terms in the design formula are linear combinations of the others and must be removed.
Donor Treatment Sex
A79_WithFBS A79 WithFBS M
A86_WithFBS A86 WithFBS M
A88_WithFBS A88 WithFBS M
A95_WithFBS A95 WithFBS M
A96_WithFBS A96 WithFBS F
B78_WithFBS B78 WithFBS F
A79_WithoutFBS A79 WithoutFBS M
A86_WithoutFBS A86 WithoutFBS M
A88_WithoutFBS A88 WithoutFBS M
A95_WithoutFBS A95 WithoutFBS M
A96_WithoutFBS A96 WithoutFBS F
B78_WithoutFBS B78 WithoutFBS F
A79_WithFBS A86_WithFBS A88_WithFBS A95_WithFBS A96_WithFBS B78_WithFBS A79_WithoutFBS A86_WithoutFBS A88_WithoutFBS A95_WithoutFBS A96_WithoutFBS B78_WithoutFBS
WASH7P 20 17 53 19 49 49 28 29 17 9 44 17
AL627309.5 5 12 21 4 13 6 13 18 5 6 9 28
WASH9P 32 57 19 52 53 43 83 27 57 28 178 43
When I run this model below, it runs however, it treats each patient treatment as individual patients for example, A79_WithFBS and A79_WithoutFBS are considered different patients which is not correct.
ddsBA <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = GctscountBA,
colData = metaDataBA,
design = ~ Treatment + Treatment:Sex)
What do I have to change to let DESeq2 know that (A79_WithFBS and A79_WithoutFBS) are from the same donor(A79) and subsequently investigate the differentially expressed genes irrespective of treatment?
Thank you for your help!
Hello Mr.Love,
Thank you for your assistance, I am now in the process of running limma-voom. I have already compared males and females within the treatment groups.
Best, Rita
Hello Mr.Love, thank you again for the advice. Follow up questions:
Will my model and contrast look like this (below) in that case? If so, how does limma voom know that I am interested in the DEG between males and females (how will it know that Sex is my parameter)?
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Treatment ,metaDatamalesMFBatch128)
contrasts <- makeContrasts(TreatmentWithFBS-TreatmentWithoutFBS, levels=colnames(design))
voom_dge <- voom(GctscountMFBatch128, design, plot=TRUE)
block = metaDatamalesMFBatch128$Donor
cor <- duplicateCorrelation(voom_dge, design, block = block )
OR will my parameter also be a factor, in this case, Sex to get DEG between males and females?
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Sex+Treatment ,metaDatamalesMFBatch128)
contrasts <- makeContrasts(SexM-SexF, levels=colnames(design))
voom_dge <- voom(GctscountMFBatch128, design, plot=TRUE)
block = metaDatamalesMFBatch128$Donor
cor <- duplicateCorrelation(voom_dge, design, block = block )
hi Rita,
I'm not a developer of this other package. I'd recommend creating a new post with your description of the problem from the start.
Okay, thank you.