Hello DESeq2 community,
I am using DESeq2 package to find DEG. I read vignette but could not find answer to my question.
My experiment has three factors. I designed my experiment in two different ways:main effect and interaction effect.
- design=~Time+Trt+Tissue
- design=~Time+Trt+Tissue+Time:Trt+Trt:Tissue+Time:Tissue+Time:Trt:Tissue
I thought that this two design would give me same DEGs, if I compare just the main effects. However, I got different results. For example, when I compared time_30Vs_0 in design 1, I got many significant genes. When I did the same thing for design 2, none of the genes were significant. I think it could be because the second design use the reference level of other factors even in main effect but I guess first design does not. So, now my questions are
- Is it common to get different results when comparing same main effects in these two designs?
- If i didn't get significant genes in design 2 for the main effects of time, can I still compare the interaction effect of time with other factors such as tissue and treatment?
I really appreciate your help.
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# include your problematic code here with any corresponding output
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sessionInfo( )
Thank you, Michael.