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Hi, I am trying RNA-seq analysis with ImpluseDE2. As a next step, I want to make a plot of normalized counts for each genes I am interested in, or make do co-expression analysis with metabolome data. How can I get the normalized count data for each gene? And, I don't understand how to use "Timecatg" in dfannotation. How should I set this parameter?
Any advice you could give would be much appreciated. I apologize if my English is difficult to understand.
I also have similar issue. I think the best way to do this is use plotHeatmap function or rather its truncated version. I paste the code below:
You can improve my solution in many ways (e.g. by adding 'return matDataNorm' at the end of function), but I see that you post the issue ~half year ago, so I put here first working solution. Hopefuly it will help.