Hi developer,
I have a dataset with more than 30,000,000 cells * 30 genes for multiple samples. I want to use runTSNE or calculateTSNE function to reduce dimension. May I please know a feasible way? Much appreciated!
Hi developer,
I have a dataset with more than 30,000,000 cells * 30 genes for multiple samples. I want to use runTSNE or calculateTSNE function to reduce dimension. May I please know a feasible way? Much appreciated!
You can use snifter
, which has a wrapper in scater
. See the example code below. I think UMAP also scales pretty well with the number of cells. Either is likely to take several hours.
Be aware that I have 32GB of RAM on my local machine and this runs out of memory very quickly. It's been running a few hours on the cluster, not sure how long it'll take in total.
mat <- DelayedArray(matrix(rnorm(30*30000000), nrow = 30))
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(logcounts=mat))
sce <- runTSNE(sce, use_fitsne=TRUE)
sce <- runUMAP(sce)
alan.ocallaghan Sounds like a feasible plan for me. Thanks! For runTSNE and runUMAP, they supply the "num_threads" parameter, do you think if I offer more threads, will the computation be faster?
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Do you truly mean 30 million cells? That is orders of magnitude larger than any scRNA-seq dataset I have seen. I've never seen a t-SNE plot for more than about 200,000 cells at a time.
Gordon Smyth Yes, it is about 30million cells, which comes from more than 100 samples. Not scRNA-seq, it comes from mass cytometry.
An alternative would be to cluster your cells first and then downsample your cells by stratifying per cluster.