Hello (again),
I read lots of questions on this, but can't get it to work on my own dataset. I have histone ChIP seq data for: 1) Four different tissues 2) Two treatments
I have now a normalized count of consensus peaks which I obtained as following:
#create K4 db
K4samples <- read.csv('K4samplesheet.csv')
K4 <- dba(sampleSheet=K4samples)
#count coverage for the consensus peaks
K4_count <- dba.count(K4, bUseSummarizeOverlaps=TRUE, bRemoveDuplicates = TRUE, bParallel = TRUE)
#normalize coverage to sequencing depth
K4_norm <- dba.normalize(K4_count)
I would like to create contrasts that allow me to compare for each tissue, the control vs treatment. I am not interested in the intertissue comparisons. I tried design="~Tissue+Condition+Tissue:Condition"
and also reorderMeta=list(tissue,treatment)
but I am not 100% sure I get the comparisons I need (I'm still learning...). If you could help me, it would be great.
Thank you
hi rita, could you already solve your problem? :) i'm stuck at the same point - i thought about splitting up my sample sheet for each tissue and then use the condition as contrast but i'm pretty sure that's not the best way to do it